home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday November 2, 2001 - Page 31 of 37 - << previous page : next page >>
Speaking of LuminAria, work continues on the show. The Premiere is only a week away.
Speaking of LuminAria, work continues on the show. The Premiere is only a week away. 11.02.01
Here you can clearly see the central tree that will rise. It is supposed to be 60 feet tall acording to one blurp I read.
Here you can clearly see the central tree that will rise. It is supposed to be 60 feet tall acording to one blurp I read. 11.02.01
There are quite a few candles in the water now. They sort of look like floating trash from the Sun Wheel. Sorry about the bad image quality on this one...
There are quite a few candles in the water now. They sort of look like floating trash from the Sun Wheel. Sorry about the bad image quality on this one... 11.02.01